Sunday, April 6, 2014

Fitness Motivation: Do You Know Your 'Why'?

This probably sounds like a very generic question, but it is an important question for everyone to address in life. WHY do we do the things that we do? Chances are you probably don't think about it on a daily basis, because most of the whys become a habit. Why do I eat? Because I'm hungry. Why do I sleep? Because I'm tired. Why do I work? Because I need money.  So...Why should you get in shape and eat healthier?

The answer is simple be live a long and happy look awesome...etc. Surely everyone wants to be healthy, live a long and happy life and look great, so why isn't everyone in shape? "German philosopher Frederick Nietzsche once said, 'He who has a why can endure any how.' Knowing your why is an important first step in figuring out how to achieve the goals that excite you and create a life you enjoy living (versus merely surviving!). Only when you know your 'why' will you find the courage to take the risks needed to get ahead, stay motivated when things get rough, and move your life onto an entirely new, more challenging, and more rewarding path."

So WHY do you want to get in shape and eat healthier?

I believe that your why's can change so I have two answers to this question. short-term answer! I want to look good in a bikini this summer! I want to be strong...I want toned arms, abs, a nice butt...all of those things. I want to be healthy. My long-term answer...I want to start an awesome foundation for a healthy life. I don't have kids, but when Josh & I decide to start a family, I want our kids to grow up with two parents who eat healthy and exercise, so they are exposed to and hopefully grow up with those healthy habits.

Everyone is inspired by different reasons to become healthy. My advice is to write down your why and put it in a highly visible area of your house. If you are constantly reminded of your 'Why' then you are more likely to endure the how. Also think about the unhealthy habits that you choose to do. Why do you choose to do them? Most likely you do them for instant gratification or convenience. Is the instant gratification more important than your 'Why'?

As I've stated in my previous posts I am a Beachbody coach. A coach is a person who can (if you choose) help you reach your fitness & health goals by being there for support and accountability. I'm having success with P90X3 and Shakeology and I want to be able to help others have success as well. Sign up for your FREE Beachbody account today! (I promise you won't be bombarded with emails!) If you have any questions please let me know. Even if you aren't interested in a Beachbody program, please figure out your why and decide that today is the day you will start eating healthy and getting in shape.

Get ready for this summer with these great Beachbody Challenge Packs! This month's specials are Focus T25 & Brazilian Butt Lift

I hope you decide to join me on my journey to get fit, eat smart and live lovely!

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