Sunday, May 18, 2014

P90X3 RESULTS - Josh's Turn!

Working out can be tough! First you have to get the motivation to work out, then you have to find the time to work out and then you have to make sure you actually DO the workout! Just watching the DVD or watching someone run on a treadmill or lift weights unfortunately doesn't count! This is where a "workout buddy" or someone holding you accountable (like a Beachbody coach named Diane Nicholas ;D) will help!

My amazing husband started the P90X3 journey with me and it definitely helped to keep me focused and determined to complete the entire 90 days. We wouldn't always work out together at the same time, but we would do the workouts each day and then talk about them in the evening. So without further adieu, here are my husband's results after 90 days of P90X3. Be sure to tell him how awesome he looks...because...well he looks pretty darn AWESOME!

Josh's arms, chest and abs are more defined! He's well on his way to a six pack! I also think his face looks a little leaner too!
His upper back looks wider and waist looks smaller!
He looks more sculpted and lean!
Flatter stomach!

So what now? Josh & I plan to keep at it and we will post results again in another 90 days! We are doing a hybrid program now which still includes P90X3 but is adding in a more cardio-intensive workout called T25

If you have any questions about P90X3 or any other Beachbody program please message me on Facebook or by email at You can also check out my own Beachbody webpage! I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. P90X3 is 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week for 90 days. It is not a huge time commitment and you get results! It requires a pull-up bar (or resistance bands as a substitute) and hand weights. As a female I was a little intimidated by all the push ups and pull ups, but I just modified them for awhile. Now I can do REAL pushups. I still can't do a pull-up (I use one foot on a chair to help me with the pull up), but I'm getting closer. P90X3 is comprised of 16 workouts. One day you will be doing push-ups/pull-ups, the next day you'll be doing Yoga (For all you Yoga-haters out there, it will most likely become one of your favorite programs) and then another day you will be killing your legs with Triometrics. It's the variety that makes the program so efficient! It's also the variety that will keep you from getting bored!

The P90X3 Challenge pack (It includes the P90X3 program, 1-month of Shakeology, 30 day Beachbody Club Membership) is on sale this month and my fellow coach has a challenge group starting up in early June. If any of you are interested in getting into this challenge group just let me know. A challenge group is comprised of people like yourself wanting to make a change in eating & exercise! I would love to help you in your journey to get healthy! Life is STOP making excuses as to why you can't do something and just start doing it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


So I finished P90X3 this past Saturday! Woo hoo!! I NEVER missed a workout in the entire 90 days! 
So here's the most trying part of this fitness journey...sharing before and after pictures! Nobody likes putting themselves out there for people to judge, but it's important for me to show you REAL results. No photoshopping...even though I would have loved adding in a nice six-pack in these pictures! I'll just have to wait for the real six-pack to form in the upcoming months! :) Going into P90X3 I thought I was going to be completely ripped after the 90 days. I've seen those before and after pictures on the infomercials! Those people are in awesome shape after the 90 days. I don't feel like my results are as extreme, but I know that every person gets results differently. I actually gained 3 lbs. during this workout. This freaked me out a little, but it was just my body getting rid of fat and adding muscle. That's why you shouldn't always trust the scale. 

Look at that backside muffin top vanish!!!
I lost an inch in my waist! My stomach is flatter and I have a couple of ab muscles peaking through at the top.  It's only a matter of time until I get that six-pack!

I know I don't look that happy in the photo, but I am!!! I actually have biceps now!!!! 

Flatter stomach!

So these are my visible results but they are not the only results I've gotten from P90X3. I can do 15 - 20 REAL pushups at one time, when I could only do 1 or 2 at the start of P90X3. I'm actually don't mess with me! I still can't do an unassisted pull-up, but I know it's only a matter of time until I can! My flexibility and balance have improved a lot because of the Yoga part of the program.

I've seen results in my health as well! I've struggled with high cholesterol levels for awhile now. You gotta love genetics! I just had a health screening yesterday and my cholesterol has dropped over 30 points from 238 to 206. I have to thank P90X3, Shakeology and healthier eating for that. There isn't always a need for medication, you CAN correct cholesterol with healthy eating and exercise!

So what now? I plan to keep at it and I will post results again in another 90 days! Now I am doing a hybrid program which still includes P90X3 but is adding in a more cardio-intensive workout called T25. I am also going to focus more on my eating!

If you have any questions about P90X3 or any other Beachbody program please message me on Facebook or by email at You can also check out my own Beachbody webpage! I would be happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. I really enjoy doing P90X3 and other beachbody workouts, because I love getting results by working out in my own home at my own pace!

The P90X3 Challenge pack (It includes the P90X3 program, 1-month of Shakeology, 30 day Beachbody Club Membership) is on sale this month and my fellow coach has a challenge group starting up early June. If any of you are interested in getting into this challenge group just let me know. A challenge group is comprised of people like yourself wanting to make a change in eating & exercise! Let me know if you would like more details! I would love for you to join me on my journey to get healthy! :D