Sunday, March 23, 2014

Becoming the Best Version of YOU with Exercise!

As I've started my fitness journey, I have been on the constant lookout for inspiration to keep me going towards my goal. The images like the one above are littered all over the internet and can prove to be a great motivator. The quote is perfect and the girl not only looks amazingly in shape...she looks strong! I want to look like her...

The problem with wanting to look like somebody else, is that you are not embracing your unique self. During running and P90X3 I've been comparing myself to other people. I try not to, but the truth is most people compare themselves to others...especially females, but you know you guys do it too! For example...I have what I call a "swimmer's build, which means I have a wide upper body. If I would have started competitive swimming at a young age, maybe I would have been the female version of Michael Phelps...highly unlikely, but anything is possible! Anyway back to my point...this means it's going to take me longer to get my upper body in shape. I unfortunately store more fat in my arms and it's going to take me a little longer to get the definition that I want than if I had a more petite build. My body will never be "petite", but it CAN BE in shape! Plus a wide upper body means that my waist looks smaller. YES! You can always find a silver lining if you look for one! Check the chart below for your body type.

Just like everybody has different body types, everybody has different workout styles as well. You may be interested in running, walking, dancing, weight lifting, going to the gym daily, doing a group fitness workout, working out at home...etc. Nobody can decide what works for you, except you.

I've discovered my preferences after some trial & error. I've found out that I really enjoy running early in the mornings, especially right when the sun rises. I like it because it's cool in the summer, not many people are up so I don't feel like people are judging my form and it gives me a great start to the the sunrises are gorgeous! I've tried running in the afternoons and I just don't like it as much. It's hotter and more people are out. I've gone to group fitness classes and they have been fun, but I'm inconsistent. I like going with a friend, but if that friend wouldn't go then I wouldn't go either. I was too dependent on other people. Gyms are a great resource! Gyms have high end equipment and a huge variety of machines to choose from. They even offer personal trainers, protein shakes...etc. Personally they just didn't work for me. I don't like waiting for equipment and having people watch I would just use the gym for a treadmill.

So what is currently working for me? P90X3. Why? It's 30 minutes, 6 days a week. The workout varies each day, so it never gets old. I do it in the comfort of my own house...nobody is watching me and judging my form...except for Josh. I don't have to drive anywhere to exercise, so the excuse that the gym is "too far away" or "I don't have enough time" can't be used. There are 16 DVDs ranging from Cardio, pullups, pushups, weight training, mixed martial arts, yoga, pilates...etc. The variety is great and it seems to be working! I plan to finish the 90 days of P90X3 and then move to FOCUS T25 or the 21 Day Fix. I find that short, intense workouts work the best for me. I can work them in and I still get the intensity of an hour. Eventually I'm going to tackle Insanity...just not yet!

What type of workout works for you?

Josh & I after a P90X3 workout called the "Incinerator". It's guaranteed to pump you up! Josh looks great, but I'm pretty proud of my mini biceps!!

Because I love P90X3, I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. I'm having success with these programs and I want to be able to help others have success as well. It is a great way for me to help people and make extra money! A coach is a person who can help you reach your fitness & health goals by being there for support and accountability. Sign up for your free Beachbody account today! If you have any questions please let me know. Even if you aren't interested in a Beachbody program, please decide that today is the day you WILL start eating healthy and getting in shape! 

Please join me on my journey to get fit, eat healthy and live lovely!

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Getting in Shape: The Question Isn't CAN YOU? It's WILL YOU?

Everybody has the ability to get in shape, but it is up to each individual person to choose if they want to! Change has to start with you!

Here's my story...
I'm currently 27 years old and it was two years ago that I finally decided that I was going to get in shape!! In college I was able to stay in shape, because I walked everywhere. Living on campus and walking to class everyday was a fabulous and EASY routine. After graduating I got an office job and unfortunately have been sitting on my butt ever since. I was able to keep my weight in check by walking my dog, doing a Jillian Michael's video now and then, but I was never able to devote myself to a routine. That changed two years ago when I got up early one morning before work and just started running!

That morning I ran about a mile and was really tired, but I did it!! I got up the next day and did it again! Wow...two days in a row...and I was sort of enjoying it!? Crazy! So there began my first fitness routine...Running! If you would have told me in high school that I would enjoy running one day, I would have called you insane!! I kept running at least 4 - 5 times a week. Usually between 1-3 miles. The next year, I started training for my first half-marathon. I started running 3-5 miles a day regularly and then even more miles on the weekend. I ran my first half marathon last October on a very VERY rainy day, but I did it! I made the choice to get up every morning and it had paid off!!

The rain let up a little during the race, but it was pouring for most of it.
My participation medal!!!!!! I did it!

I decided to keep running after the half-marathon, but not as much and not as often. Why? 1. I had reached my goal! 2. It turned cold!!!!! So I was back to being inconsistent. What do I do now?

My sister-in-law started having great success with the Beachbody programs and decided to become a coach. She told us about Shakeology and the different programs. My husband & I decided to start taking Shakeology. I have always struggled with nutrition, so the Shakeology was a fabulous way to get the nutrition I needed in a very quick and easy way. Now I make a smoothie in the morning for my breakfast and I get most of the nutrition I need for the rest of the day. I actually don't feel like I'm going to fall asleep at my desk each afternoon. Usually I would have a soft drink around 3 pm each day, but now I don't need one! Even with the shakeology, it was important for us to "clean" up our diet as well. Eating healthy is a daily challenge, but who doesn't love a good challenge every now and then?

We also purchased the workout routine P90X3. With running, I got a little leaner, but with P90X3 I am getting toned! I actually have biceps now!!! How cool is that? I can see why people in shape always have their shirts off or wear more revealing clothes...they want to show off what they have worked REALLY hard for. I'm currently in the 2nd week of Block 2 and I am already seeing great results. I am stronger and I've moved from girl pushups to standard pushups. Do I do everything perfectly in each workout? No. Do I give my all in every workout? Yes. P90X3 is only a 30 minute workout, so I make every minute count! Each workout is different each day of the week. It keeps workouts from getting boring and it also gives you a total body workout. I'm loving it so far!

My Husband, Josh & I after a P90X3 workout! I don't think
we were smiling during the workout!
The best thing about a P90X3 workout is crossing it
out on your workout sheet!!!

Because I love Shakeology and P90X3, I decided to become a Beachbody Coach. I'm having success with these programs and I want to be able to help others have success as well. It is a great way for me to help people and make extra money! A coach is a person who can help you reach your fitness & health goals by being there for support and accountability. If you have any questions please let me know. Even if you aren't interested in a Beachbody program, please decide that today is the day you WILL start eating healthy and getting in shape!

Please join me on my journey to get fit, eat healthy and live lovely!